At RMCAD, typography plays a vital role in our brand identity, and we are proud to use Brandon Text as our primary typeface. Influenced by the geometric-style sans serif faces of the 1920s and 30s, Brandon Text is a modern take on a classic design. The fonts are based on geometric forms that have been optically corrected for better legibility, resulting in a functional look with a warm touch. In this guide, we provide guidelines for using Brandon Text consistently across all communication channels to ensure a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.
Brandon Text is our primary font, using various weights that act as secondary elements for headers, subheads, secondary subheads, and captions.
Pantone Black 7 C and Orange are our Primary Colors. For dark backgrounds, orange or white can be used in the headline or title.
Brandon Light is the standard weight for body copy on white
backgrounds ONLY.
Brandon Regular is used when text is white and on a colored
background. Brandon Light is too thin and readability decreases.
Brandon Medium is used for emphasis within a body copy sentence.
i.e. see above and previous pages
There is a system in knowing how to proportionally size out text:
Subhead: 6 pt smaller than Header
Tagline: 10 pt smaller than Subhead
Body Copy: 4 pt smaller than Tagline
Caption: 4 pt smaller than Body Copy (but never smaller than 6pt)
Leading is the space between multiple lines of type. In the context of digital design, such as apps and websites, leading may be referred to as line spacing or line-height.
There is a system in knowing how to proportionally space out text:
Lead down 4pts (two clicks)
Here’s some body copy followed by a paragraph of lorem ipsum. Mus sit, nullant. Bera conet lam explaborest occabor rem aliquibusame ea voluptat lab ipsam facessi odis dignimpel moluptaquam, nem voluptur aut am excerio nsequist. Meh hella typewriter scenester, pitchfork.
Here’s some body copy followed by a paragraph of lorem ipsum. Mus sit, nullant. Bera conet lam explaborest occabor rem aliquibusame ea voluptat lab ipsam facessi odis dignimpel moluptaquam, nem voluptur aut am excerio nsequist. Meh hella typewriter scenester, pitchfork.